Thursday, January 19, 2012

Transparent Data Encryption

Encryption key management for database Transparent Data Encryption can grow in complexity with the growth of sensitive data and data base instances and quickly consume valuable IT resources. Such complexity can lead to an inconsistent data security posture and potential compliance issues. Vormetric Key Manager separates encryption keys from the encrypted data to ensure an optimal security posture. Vormetric Key Management is a network Hardware Security Module (HSM) securing keys for Oracle Transparent Data Encryption and Microsoft SQL Server Transparent Data Encryption (TDE).

Enterprise Key Management

Enterprises strive to comply with various regulatory mandates for data protection by deploying a variety of encryption solutions, but encryption solutions frequently have inadequate key management that can compromise security, create administrative overhead, and hinder widespread deployment. Vormetric Key Management overcomes these issues with a centralized Enterprise Key Management platform to unify the management and security of encryption keys.

Database Encryption

Encrypting sensitive information in databases is not longer an option – it’s imperative. Risk management for large scale data breaches, regulatory compliance, protecting intellectual property and maintaining a trusted brand are driving organizations in every industry to seek data level controls for an increasing amount of database data. However, concerns about performance degradation, invasiveness, application support, and how to manage broad and heterogeneous database encryption implementations too often produce hard barriers to adopting this important security measure.